Cash for clothes

Our Sister company, Renu Recycle make parting with a beloved old sweater or a ratty old uniform worth your while by trading them in for cash – and a good cause. Giving Cash for used clothing, belts and shoes, just monopolizing space in closets, drawers and warehouses, and gives them new meaning.

Click here to visit the dedicated Renu Recycle website now »

With a humanitarian approach and an environmentally conscientious system, Renu Recycle considers the best use for the old clothing they buy and how to recycle it. Reusing and recycling clothing aids developing countries in economic hardships, enables the ability for re-purposed materials, relieves slave labor by adults and children and prevents environmental clutter and distress.

Sell old clothes to us at our textile recycling facilities, and turn your used clothes into money.To sell old clothes, just bag or box up all the fabric and cloth items you don’t need. Sell us your socks, shirts, trousers, and more, and we will give you cash 4 clothes.Sound too easy? Cash for clothes is a simple process that aids you and the environment. You get cash for clothes when you sell clothes to us because we don’t want rags and used clothes going into landfills when they should go to textile recycling. Instead, sell clothes to us and cash4clothes could help you save money for your next holiday. Or sell your clothes for money to save for Christmas.There are many ways to use cash4clothes to your advantage. So, why not recycle your clothes for money today?


Stockholders of Re-useable Goods

At Re-Tex we are stockholders of a variety of re-useable goods including:

We also offer a range of recycling, environmental, demolition and clearance services to both domestic and commercial customers throughout the UK.

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